Breathing Clean Blog

May 3, 2023 — 
It’s May, and that means Spring is in full swing! But it also means it’s peak allergy season. With Spring comes itchy eyes, runny noses, sneezing, coughing, and even hives, wheezing, and difficulty breathing for some. According to the Asthma and Allergy…
April 12, 2023 — 
Just as all the surfaces in your home get dirty and dusty over time, the same can be said for your air ducts. With everyday life, all sorts of contaminants and air pollutants are generated in our homes, like bacteria, pet dander, dust, skin cells, mold,…
March 6, 2023 — 
When it comes to spring allergies, most people consider their home a safe haven where they can escape the nasty sneezing, coughing and negative effects. But the reality is our homes harbor all sorts of indoor allergens – with many causing year-round…
February 16, 2023 — 
The air duct cleaning industry isn’t immune to scammers who want to take advantage of homeowners. In fact, the industry is plagued with fraudulent service providers eager to cheat unsuspecting homeowners. And with homeowners becoming more aware of indoor…
January 17, 2023 — 
With frigid temperatures and fewer daylight hours, we’re all spending more and more time indoors as we wait for the spring thaw. And most of that indoor time is spent in close quarters with those we cherish most – our immediate family members. When was…