NADCA Call for Instructors
NADCA’s Education Committee is seeking qualified instructors to teach NADCA’s Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) and Certified Ventilation Inspector (CVI) training courses.
Applicants will be evaluated on the following selection criteria:
- Current active NADCA membership and certification.
- Experience as an IAQ professional.
- Experience/knowledge of the subject matter.
- Knowledge of NADCA standards and specifications.
- Experience in teaching and/or public speaking.
- Experience using PowerPoint.
Additional desired criteria:
- Bilingual
NADCA Instructor Policies
- Instructors must hold an active certification pertaining to the training course they have been approved to instruct.
- Instructors are obligated to ensure the integrity of NADCA training courses. The teaching plan (objectives, content and timeline) and teaching strategies (slides, handouts and activities) for NADCA training courses are the property of NADCA and must not be altered without written consent from NADCA Education Committee and Board of Directors.
- Trainer/Instructors who receive an Honorarium are required to submit to NADCA an IRS Form W-9 to establish their taxable status. Trainer/Instructors that do not have compensation paid to corporations will be issued an IRS Form 1099 for miscellaneous income at the end of the year.
- Approved instructors are selected to instruct NADCA training courses throughout the year based upon availability and geographic proximity to the training course/event location, as applicable.
- NADCA reserves the right to discontinue use of approved instructors at any time, at its discretion.
Selection & Approval Process*
Phase I: Application Submission & Review
Applicants must submit completed applications for review by NADCA’s Education Committee.
The committee will evaluate applicants based upon the criteria outlined above.
If an applicant is approved by the Education Committee, the applicant will then be required to participate in Phase II: Instruction Evaluation.
Applicants will be notified in writing regarding the results of the application review process.
Phase II: Instruction Evaluation
A. Applicants with Prior NADCA Presenting Experience:
If an applicant has presented previously via webinar or at a NADCA conference, the applicant will be assigned to co‐instruct designated modules at the next upcoming Fall Technical Conference.
Members of the Education Committee will observe and make a recommendation on final approval of the applicant as an approved NADCA Training Course Instructor.
The applicant will be notified in writing regarding the Education Committee’s decision.
B. Applicants Without Prior NADCA Presenting Experience:
If an applicant has never presented previously via webinar or at a NADCA conference, the applicant will conduct a webinar presentation for the Education Committee on designated modules of the training course.
Members of the Education Committee will make a recommendation on approval of the applicant to co‐instruct designated modules at the next upcoming Fall Technical Conference.
The applicant will co‐instruct designated modules at the next upcoming Fall Technical Conference where members of the Education Committee will observe and make a recommendation on final approval of the applicant as an approved NADCA Training Course Instructor.
The applicant will be notified in writing regarding the Education Committee’s decision.
Phase III: Orientation
Approved instructors will be required to participate in an orientation webinar prior to instructing their first full training course session.
*Exceptions may be made to the selection and approval process, at the discretion of the NADCA Education Committee.
How to Apply
Click the link below to apply. Applicants must provide a copy of their resume with their application. Incomplete applications will not be accepted.