Associate Membership
Associate Members are companies engaged in the manufacturing and/or distribution of air duct cleaning equipment, cleaning accessories, franchises, HVAC filters, air purifiers, related products or services. Manufacturer’s representatives are included in this category.
Associate Members receive:
- Inclusion in the PRIORITY POINTS Program
- Right to use the NADCA name and logo
- Company listing in the NADCA Associate Member Directory on the NADCA website
- Complimentary basic company listing in the Buyers Guide
- Access to resources located in the members-only section of the NADCA website
- Access to the member list, sent quarterly, on request, in Excel format
- Reduced advertising rates in The HVAC Hygiene Journal, NADCA website and The Air Conveyance
- Special exhibit pricing plus early bird discount for NADCA’s Annual Meeting & Exposition
- Subscription to The Air Conveyance, the official eNewsletter of NADCA
- Annual subscription to DucTales, the official bi-monthly print and on-line publication of NADCA
Membership Requirements
In order to become an active Associate Member, companies must meet the following requirements:
- Full payment of one-time application fee
- Full payment of annual membership dues
For more information about Associate Membership, view Frequently Asked Questions.
How to Join
In order to apply for Associate membership, companies must submit an online application form, inclusive of all fees and membership dues.
Advertising & Sponsorships
When advertising with NADCA, your unique message will reach more than 1,500 member companies specializing in HVAC inspection, cleaning and restoration services who have signed the NADCA Code of Ethics. 100% of NADCA members maintain at least one certified Air Systems Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) on staff. Members of NADCA are decision-makers and purchasers of products and services and are focused on building a better business and enhancing the customer service experience.
To learn more about NADCA’s Annual Meeting, Fall Technical Conference and Year-Round Advertising opportunities please contact:
Candi Calderone, Industry Relations
Tel: 856.437.4719 ; Fax: 856.439.0525
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use NADCA's logo in my advertising?
NADCA Associate Member companies have the right to use the NADCA logo in advertising and promotional materials.
Do I need to be certified to become an Associate Member?
No, Associate Members are exempt from certification requirements.
What is the cost of Associate Membership?
Associate Membership dues are charged on an annual basis at the cost of $1,545.00 per year and are non-refundable. Dues are payable by July 1, of every year. When a company first joins NADCA, the company pays the first full year’s dues (July 1 through the following June 30) at the time of application and the second year of dues are prorated based upon the date of application. *Please note: there is a $100 application fee for the Join year.