Step 1: Create an Account
- To join NADCA, first create an account.
- If you already have an account, log in and then select the appropriate membership type below.
- After creating an account, you'll be directed back here to select your membership type and complete the process.
Regular Membership
NADCA Regular Members are companies that are actively engaged in the business of performing residential, commercial and/or industrial air duct cleaning services while retaining at least one certified Air System Cleaning Specialist (ASCS) on staff at each location. Only Regular Members have voting rights within the organization. Membership dues are payable on an annual basis and are non-refundable.
New Member Promotional Package for Regular Members
If you’re interested in NADCA Regular Membership, now is the time to join. NADCA offers a promotional package that makes it easier than ever to get the training and certification you need in order to become a NADCA Regular Member.
Supplemental Membership
NADCA Supplemental Membership is available to Regular Member companies with more than one physical location. Each location is required to have an ASCS on staff.
Associate Membership
Associate Members are companies engaged in the manufacturing and/or distribution of air duct cleaning equipment, cleaning accessories, franchises, HVAC filters, air purifiers, related products or services. Manufacturer’s representatives are included in this category.
Affiliate Membership
Affiliate membership is available to individuals who represent government entities, nonprofit associations and academic institutions. Professional engineers, architects, home inspectors, industrial hygienists and facilities maintenance professionals are also eligible for Affiliate Membership. Individuals or firms offering HVAC cleaning service to the public, or those offering products or services for sale to HVAC cleaning companies, are not eligible for Affiliate Membership. Such firms are eligible for either Regular Membership or Associate Membership. By submitting an application, you certify that you do not engage in the service of HVAC system cleaning.
Retired Membership
The Retired Member category has been established for individuals who are no longer actively working within the HVAC industry but want to remain involved with NADCA.