Infection Control University
NADCA has partnered with the Infection Control University (ICU) to offer members specialized training for working in healthcare facilities. The cloud-based program helps participants meet CDC protocols, saves valuable time, enforces safer work practices, and helps to promote safer and healthier facilities.
Infection Control Risk Assessment Training
Become ICRA ICU Certified! This certification through the ICU is valid for three years and is a six part program designed to educate workers on how their work can impact the health of patients. The series explains how an ICRA for each project is developed by professional in the hospital and designates worker routing, barriers, negative pressure and important precautions needed to keep the patient population safe. This is an in-depth program for professional workers and contractors working in a healthcare setting.
How to Register
Visit the ICU website and click on 'Vendors and Contractors'
Next, select 'New Customer' to create your account for the ICRA training, as shown below.
The training course is $65, plus a one-time set up fee of $100 for new registrants. This allows you to then take advantage of all of the other training courses available through the ICU! Once you add the training course to your cart, a confirmation will appear on your screen, as shown below.
Next, you can proceed to checkout by viewing your cart.
IMPORTANT: When completing your purchase, be sure to include NADCA as the primary point of contact for the ICRA/Awareness Training.
Questions? Contact NADCA at and include 'Infection Control University' in your subject line.