Respirator Fit Testing: 2024 Fall Technical Conference



Qualitative Respirator Fit Testing - Irritant Smoke $100.00
Includes: half-face respirator, (2) cartridges, and test: If the participant fails the first test they will have the opportunity to take a second test. If an additional respirator and cartridge is needed the participant will need to purchase this at their own expense.

Testing will take place on Saturday or Sunday during exhibit hall hours. Participants will be assigned an official time to report for testing one week prior to the conference. You will get your choice of a half-face respirator either a 3M or North. 

If one of these is not met a refund will not be given: 

  • Individuals must bring a current medical evaluation form with them to the test completed and signed by a physician stating they are medically fit to wear a respirator. The medical evaluation must be no older than 1 year. Test can not be completed without this approval. *If medical clearance is not granted a refund for the respirator fit test will be approved. 
  • Individuals must be clean-shaven in the area where the mask meets the face. Stubble is not acceptable. Test cannot be performed unless the participant is clean-shaven.
  • If prescription eyewear is stated on the medical evaluation form, the participant must have the eyewear on during the fit test.
  • Individuals being tested should not eat, drink (except water), smoke, or chew gum for ~15 minutes before the test.
  • The individual must be sensitive to irritant smoke. A sensitivity test is performed on the individual prior to starting the required fit test procedure. Some individuals cannot sense irritant smoke. If this is the case, the individual cannot be fit tested with this procedure and therefore cannot complete the test.

For any questions please contact