6 Simple Tips to Prepare Your Home for Fall
We may still be taking a dip in the pool, but soon we will be pulling out sweaters and cozying up on the couch to watch football. The best time to start preparing your home for the fall season is now before you turn on your heat.
Taking the following steps to prepare ahead of the colder seasons can save you from costly repairs down the road.
1. Change filters
Filters should ideally be replaced at the change of each season. A clean filter will help you heat and cool your home more efficiently than a dirty filter. Because filters trap harmful particles from being circulated in your home by forcing air through a fine mesh, a dirty filter will hinder the unit from doing its job.
2. Check for leaks
Prevent drafts and decrease energy waste by sealing windows and doors. Don’t forget to check your ductwork for leaks as well.
3. Start warming up your unit
Similar to cars that need time to get warmed up when it’s cold outside, your HVAC system needs time to adjust to heating and may take some time to get back to its proper speed and efficiency because it sat unused for such a long time. On cooler nights or days turn your system on a low heat setting.
4. Check alarms and detectors
Smoke and carbon monoxide detectors are essential devices that keep you safe. Replace batteries with new ones and push the test button on each device to make sure they are working properly. Also, keep in mind, The U.S. Fire Administration recommends that you replace your smoke detectors every 10 years.
5. Clean up your outdoor unit
If you have an outdoor unit, check for debris and damage. Remove all debris to ensure proper airflow and prevent dirt or leaves from getting inside the unit and on the coils. If you see any signs of damage, give your HVAC contractor a call.
6. Schedule an air duct checkup
The best way to prepare your home for fall is to schedule a maintenance checkup with your local NADCA certified contractor. Having your system cleaned regularly will improve indoor air quality, extend the life of your system and increase the energy efficiency of your home because a clean unit doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature you desire.
To get started on your fall preparation use NADCA’s Find A Professional Directory and find a certified air duct cleaner in your area.