On October 26th and 27th, more than 500 participants attended the FARE CONGRESS held in Rome. This was AIISA's first time attending the Annual Congress. Fare Congress aims to gather professionals of the Italian NHS who are in charge of buying goods and services from healthcare facilities (hospitals and smaller structures scattered all over the country called ASL, and USL, spreading healthcare locally).
The main theme of FARE CONGRESS 2023 was “IL NUOVO CODICE DEGLI APPALTI", the updated guidelines on buying procedures during public bids and the never-ending reflection between respecting procedures (that implies spending more time to achieve the result) and less time to achieve the goal.
Even if it was not the field for an Association such as AIISA, we dipped into that ocean of healthcare professionals to spread the keywords for AIISA: cleaning, restoring, and maintaining air ducts for better indoor air quality and, above all protecting the health of people living in conditioned spaces.
AIISA held a seminar during the congress titled: “Airduct sanctification services in healthcare facilities, an important activity for public healthcare”.
Our speakers were:
- Eng. Valentina Russo, Director of buying facility in Catania, Sicily
- Prof. Daniela D’Alessandro, Engineering Dept Sapienza University, Rome
- Prof. Gaetano Settimo, ISS National Healthcare Institute, Rome,
- Eng. Gregorio Mangano AIISA President
AIISA hopes that participation in FARE CONGRESS and the seminar can lead the way for future collaborations with universities and partners. The first contacts in this direction were initiated.
AIISA staff present was: Raffaele Caruso, Secretary, Gregorio Mangano, President, Manuel Ragusa and Pietro Borgognoni Members of the Board and Giusi Pulizzi, AIISA staff.
A few AIISA NADCA Members popped in: Mario Gulisano from A&G Multiservice and Gerardo Lamesta NTA TS and Member of the Board.